Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Child Regret?

I just read an article, here, on  This mom writes about how maybe having that fourth child wasn't such a wonderful idea after all, considering her first three children were much older.  As a mother who also planned to have more children after having had three for almost a decade, I understand where this mom is coming from.  As much as the commenters like to judge and throw rocks, while sitting in their glass houses, I'm sure this mom loves her daughter very much.  She even stated as much.  It has nothing to do with love.  It has to do with getting older and being tired.  After you have already had a few children, you get used to a routine.  You grow out of the "baby phase".  You don't have to deal with car seats, bottles, diapers, sleepless nights and tantrums.  You get accustomed to your new lifestyle and look forward to the new adventures that life brings with your whole family getting older.  New activities, more independence.  When you choose to have more babies, you need to take in to account all of the above said duties.  You think back and remember the diaper bags and endless amount of baby items you have to lug around everywhere you go, the crying, the dressing and re-dressing of each baby and toddler.  You make the most informed decision that you can before you decide to bring another life in to this world with the hope for the best.  No one knows the future.

The problem is not the number of children, but the spread between them.  I knew what we were in for, but once the baby is here, it is more of a 24/7/365 reality check.  You can remember back all you want.  But when it comes time to LIVE it, you realize that it was a lot harder than you remember.  And maybe even harder because you had already adjusted to your family's next step (teens, tweens, etc).  But, just as with the older children, this too shall pass and they, too, will be teenagers who hardly have time to talk to you, let alone take up your every second demanding something of you.

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